Friday, August 31, 2012

Nina's Menu

Breakfast:  Protein Shake and drank 16 oz water  (so far so good but it is only 9:20am) ;0)

Snack:  Apple

Lunch:  watermelon and turkey

Snack:  bit of cookie cough ;(

Dinner:  3 pieces of supreme pizza

Dessert:  fudge sundae

No exercise.  the past few days I've been sick (just a dumb head cold)  I find it so hard to have any self control when I'm sick!  But the highlight was after I put the kids down and was cleaning up I was going to eat another slice but thought I have to write it down and did not eat it.  Got to celebrate the little moments sometimes!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nina's Menu

 I ate about 5 cookies and about 1/2 cup of cookie dough, a cheese quesadilla for dinner, turkey for lunch and doritos, breakfast was PB and J on toast.  I walked to pick up Addie from school so about 3 miles.  Room for improvement don't ya think!!  Here's to a new day!!