Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nina's Menu

Jogged 3 miles

Ate 4 slices of turkey for breakfast

Ate Wendy's apple pecan salad for lunch 

Ate 3 oz 85% dark chocolate

Had a strawberry smoothie and pears and a few more slices of turkey

Today I had no white flour and very limited sugar.  It was TOUGH

Monday, September 10, 2012

Nina's Menu

Sara I didn't know you were posting until today!  Well since I weighed in this week and had another gain week I was pretty bummed!  And when I get pretty bummed I don't eat healthy....

Morning:  Protein Shake after doing Insanity

Mid morning snack:  carrot cake (it has carrots right?!)

Lunch:  Pork, rice, mozi cheese, in a tortilla

Finished the day with a bacon cheeseburger, tater tots, and a oreo milkshake and a few more bites of carrot cake

I considered this my last meal before I actually get serious about eating healthy.

Monday, September 3, 2012

in no particular ORDER

protein bar
fish sandwich from micky with bun!
2 scoop of ice cream
2 bottles of water
2 apples
1 cup of herbal tea
1 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta w/ sussage, red and green bell pepper
1 slice of whole wheat bread,,,,,,

must eat more fruits and veggies! and water is my friend.......not the best day but def. not the WORST, that was 2 weeks ago at 179.3...
weight today at 176.5, pretty darn excited and i didn't even have to lose a fulliopian tube...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the good, the BAD and the ugly!

sorry Nina, didn't me to blind u...

                        the bad: don't like the way i look
                        the good: i've got some nice hills, curves
                        the ugly: my boobs is running a race with my stomach and i have lots of stretch marks from wonderful kids. They wanted to make sure that i would always remember them....

Saturday, September 1, 2012

here it is!

Breakfast: half banana 
                 Protein bar
                 2 bottle of water

Lunch: Chicken salad costco

snack: half a cookie/ shaved ice/ and a piece of chocolate

dinner: This is where it all goes down hill....The husband had errands to run and decide he would take the entire family.  Now mind u, its about 2 and we just hand lunch. After running errands the kids decided that they were starving and husband said lets go try the new Hawaiian rest. 

               I had steak/ brown rice / salad
then we came home and at about 6 kids and husband were hungry, so I decide to make one of our favorites....whole wheat pasta with spicy sausage with red and green peppers with Parms. cheese. It's suck but I ended up eating about 2 cups. If I liked trowing up I would have done it. sick to my stomach...

on the plus side, I'm spending lots of time in the bathroom b/c I've been drinking water like crzy....So u got the whole truth and nothing but the truth!